Scientific Manuscript Editing (SME)

Directed and operated by Prof. Saw Phei Er

What I Do

Professional services

Presentation Skills
[English/Chinese] Including: Oral presentation skills, increases presentation quality, revising the presentation PowerPoint, optimize presentation effectiveness within a time frame, proper body language, proper sound projection, confidence.
Mock interview
[English/Chinese] Including: a thorough analysis of the content of interview, critical analysis of FAQs in your field and prospective companies.
Manuscript related consultation
[English manuscript only] Including: a thorough analysis of ideas, scientific question, data presentation, logic and scientific rigor, response to reviewer, etc.

What I Do


Full lecture series for SCI writing
[Beginner level]

Total 5 classes in Course A

A1: Basics of publication: overview

A2: From ideas to publication: how to derive good ideas?

A3: Asking good scientific question

A4: Effective data presentation

A5: Effective literature review and analysis

Full lecture series for SCI writing
[Intermediate level]

Total 5 classes in Course B

B1: Overview of SCI manuscript writing

B2: Details of SCI writing: Title, Abstract and Keywords

B3: Details of SCI writing: Introduction

B4: Details of SCI writing: methods and results

B5: Details of SCI writing: discussion and conclusion

Manuscript preparation and submission lecture
[All level]

Total 6 classes in Course C

C1: Types of literatureg

C2: Academic misconducts

C3: How to choose appropriate journals

C4: How to write a good cover letter

C5: How to critically analyze and respond correctly to editor’s and reviewer’s comments?

C6: Critical information before, during and after submission.

What I Do

Editing services

Professional English (SCI, SSCI) language editing service

We will provide in-depth analysis and language editing services

Including the flow, logic, scientific vigor, data presentation, significance and innovation of the manuscript.

Manuscript rephrasing service
We will re-phrase the highlighted (high duplication) parts of the manuscript to reduce similarity to <20%.
Document translation service
Translation service will be provided by a professional translator.

do you need a consultation?

A good mentor can help you avoid unnecessary detours.