Directed and operated by Prof. Saw Phei Er
Total 5 classes in Course A
A1: Basics of publication: overview
A2: From ideas to publication: how to derive good ideas?
A3: Asking good scientific question
A4: Effective data presentation
A5: Effective literature review and analysis
Total 5 classes in Course B
B1: Overview of SCI manuscript writing
B2: Details of SCI writing: Title, Abstract and Keywords
B3: Details of SCI writing: Introduction
B4: Details of SCI writing: methods and results
B5: Details of SCI writing: discussion and conclusion
Total 6 classes in Course C
C1: Types of literatureg
C2: Academic misconducts
C3: How to choose appropriate journals
C4: How to write a good cover letter
C5: How to critically analyze and respond correctly to editor’s and reviewer’s comments?
C6: Critical information before, during and after submission.
We will provide in-depth analysis and language editing services
Including the flow, logic, scientific vigor, data presentation, significance and innovation of the manuscript.
A good mentor can help you avoid unnecessary detours.